20th April, 2019

After the success of the first ILM edition in Brussels where nearly 2000 people came to discover Belgian and international independent music, ILM returns to the capital on April 20th and 21st. This year, ILM will team up with Listen Festival as part of the Sound District – an area entirely dedicated to music nested in the beautiful Halls of St. Gery, in the very heart of Brussels.
Attendees will discover new music, meet the heads of labels and put their hands on rarities, special editions, test pressings, collectors as well as back catalogue. They’ll also be able to meet and greet artists, musicians and dj‘s thanks to the signing sessions, special showcases and radio live stream programs.
Through a collaboration with some of the main international web radios, Brussels’ very own Kiosk Radio will connect local and international music scenes, co-broadcasting live from the Sound District and streamed on different channels: Red Light Radio (Netherlands), LYL Radio & Le Mellotron (France), Dublab (Germany).
Workshops and master classes in order to support artists and improving their knowledge and skills will be provided by Poppunt, Court Circuit & SAE.
Last but not least, Turnlab will showcase the newest trends in music production with an exciting Gear & Synth fair.
This weekend of celebration dedicated to independent music will be extended outside the Halls of St. Gery with a line-up of shows and events in some of Brussels’ must-see places and venues!